AP_CableEditor | |
Cable | |
CableEditor | |
AP_LSystem | |
Abstract0LSystem | |
AbstractFile | |
AbstractGenerator | |
AbstractInterpret | |
AbstractkLSystem | |
AbstractLSystem | |
AbstractTurtle | |
Configuration | |
D0LSystem | |
HermitPipe | |
JointedPipe | |
LoftTurtle | |
Log | |
LongString | |
LSFile | |
TurtleProperties | |
LSGeode | |
LSObject | |
LSystem | |
LSystemException | |
ParsingException | |
FileException | |
ConfigurationException | |
LSystemGenerator | |
MovingTurtle | |
Par2LSystem | |
ParD0LSystem | |
ParseableString | |
ParStoch0LSystem | |
Query | |
QueryInterpret | |
QueryTurtle | |
RandomIndex | |
Randomizer | |
Rectangle | |
Rule | |
StaticString | |
StraightPipe | |
TurtleInterpret | |
TurtleStack | |
StringUtils | |
Parameter | |
XmlFile | |
APCameraMovement | |
CameraMovementEditor | |
ControlPoint | |
CameraPath | |
MyReadCallback | |
APCameraPath | |
ControlPoint | |
Camera | |
APClouds | |
Clouds | Clouds ability - revised Atmospheric ability |
APConnectEditor | |
ConnectEditor | |
Cut | |
Optimalizer | |
PolygonState | |
Rotation | |
Scale | |
MyReadCallback | |
EOLineSegmentIntersector | |
APConstrainedMovement | |
ConstrainedObjectMovement | |
ConstraintArea | |
ConstraintDescription | |
Attractor | |
Brush | Encapsulate data and functionality of sweepSurface related factories and adapters |
BrushStroke | Store data about and can render one brush stroke |
ColorGenAdapter | |
ConstantColorAdapter | |
GradientColorAdapter | |
ColorGenFactory | |
IComputeStrategy | |
NullStrategy | |
LorenzStrategy | |
Lorenz84Strategy | |
PickoverStrategy | |
RosslerStrategy | |
PolynomialStrategy | |
IkedaStrategy | |
InitSettings | |
ComputeThread | |
Configuration | |
Controller | |
Ctrl_Attractor | |
Ctrl_FreeHandPainting | Controller of Brush Stroke PoA |
Ctrl_MotionVisualization | Controller of Motion Trail PoAs |
Ctrl_PerlinLines | |
Ctrl_PolyhedraSculptures | |
Ctrl_StringSculptures | |
DAEnvironment | Dynamic Art Environment class - base class of Dynamic Art plugin |
DATool | Virtual class defining basis of all tools used in Dynamic Art |
ConstantDiamAdapter | |
GradientDiamAdapter | |
DiameterGenFactory | |
HookObject | |
HoopTrackerCallback | |
HookManager | Hook Manager |
Hoop | |
HoopShape | |
NullHoopShape | |
Rectangle | |
Ellipse | |
RegularPolygon | |
Line | |
ElongatedCircle | |
Painted | |
ShapeFactory | |
JuliaAttractor | |
Mode | |
Basic | |
Advanced | |
MotionTrail | |
NullAttractor | |
OrdinaryAttractor | |
Parameter | |
IParameters | |
NullParameters | |
LorenzParameters | |
Lorenz84Parameters | |
JuliaParameters | |
PickoverParameters | |
RosslerParameters | |
PolynomialParameters | |
IkedaParameters | |
ParticleSystemParameters | |
Pattern | |
PatternBase | |
PatternFactory | |
NullPattern | |
AcrossPattern | |
CrissCrossPattern | |
DoublePattern | |
HyperbolicPattern | |
TopPattern | |
TopReversePattern | |
StandardPattern | |
SplitPattern | |
SplitReversePattern | |
PatternsGeode | |
PerlinLines | |
PLNestTool | |
PLMagnetTool | |
PLControllerTool | |
SimulationParameters | |
PhysXManager | |
PoA | PoA (Piece of Art) |
PolyhedraSculpture | |
PS_Component | |
PS_Layer | |
PS_Face | |
PS_FacePlane | |
PS_FlatShape | |
PS_Polyhedron | |
PolyhedronFactory | |
symmetry_axis | |
symmetry_pair | |
PS_Symmetry | |
RotationFrameAdapter | |
RMFrameAdapter | |
AxisFrameAdapter | |
HandFrameAdapter | |
RotationFrameFactory | |
SectorInfo | |
SectorManager | Sector Manager |
SimpleBox | Simple class for creating boxes |
SplineAdapter | |
RoundedSplineAdapter | |
RectangularSplineAdapter | |
WaveSplineAdapter | |
SplineFactory | |
ToolBrush | Brush tool |
ToolEraser | |
ToolHook | |
ToolMagicWand | |
ToolRotation | Rotation tool |
ToolSelector | |
ToolSlice | |
ToolTongs | |
Stroke | |
PoAAdapter | |
AdapterFactory | |
Utils | |
Limits | |
colorGradient | |
PoAState | |
DAGizmo | Gizmo - graphical representation of something, e.g. Frenet frame |
BrushStrokeControlPoint | Control point of Sweep Surface |
Trait | |
HoopGeometry | |
PoB | PoB (Piece of Behavior) |
IShapeGenerator | |
NullShapeGenerator | |
LinearShapeGenerator | |
SnapPoint | |
APEditorController | |
AbilityMapper | |
MessageMapping | |
EditorController | |
APEditorQAbilities | |
AbilityEditor | |
AllowedAbility | |
AnimatorEditor | |
AvatarMovement | |
ObjectAdd | |
ObjectDelete | |
ObjectMovement | |
SnapBox | |
SceneSave | |
SimpleObjectMovement | |
UseTrigger | |
PresentAbility | |
APFFDEditor | |
EditorLogic | |
GeometryLoader | |
Geometry | |
GeometryLoaderBase | |
FaceBase | |
VertexBase | |
Grid | |
ControlPoint | |
Edge | |
ColorPicker | Spatial HSL Color Picker |
GUI_Controller | GUI Controller class |
Interconnection | Used to simplify deletion of created interconnections (especially in menu) |
GUI_Item | VRECKO GUI Item class |
GUI_Text | Text |
Icon | Icon |
IconColour | Color Icon |
ItemsGroup | Group of GUI Items |
Layout | GUI Layout class |
Menu | Menu |
Slider | Slider GUI item |
APHelloWorld | |
MyAbility | |
HUDColorProfile | |
HUDField | |
HUDWindow | |
HUDDisplay | |
APInputConnector | |
InputConnector | Input Connector class |
APLightsEditor | |
_Light | |
Editor | |
Lights | |
APMenu | |
MenuItem | |
MenuItemNull | |
MenuItemText | |
MenuItemSlider | |
DynamicMenuSign | |
DynamicMenu | |
MenuLoaderErrorHandler | |
APNature | |
MidpointDisplacementAlgorithm | |
PerlinNoiseAlgorithm | |
RandomFaultsAlgorithm | |
TerrainAlgorithm | |
Terrain2D | 2D terrain based on height map which consists of multiple equally large segments |
Terrain2DSegment | Represents a single segment of a two-dimensional terrain which consists of a grid of NxN points (where N >= 2) in the XZ plane (in OSG coordinates) with the value in the Y axis representing height of the point |
TerrainAbility | |
TerrainRandom | |
TerrainUtility | |
APObjectUtils | |
Animator | |
AnimationPoint | |
ConnectionViz | |
Connection | |
CopyProperties | |
KeepOnScreen | |
ObjectEffect | |
ObjectEffectMan | |
ObjectInfo | |
ObjectModif | |
ObjectSelector | |
UseToEvent | |
MyReadCallback | |
EOLineSegmentIntersector | |
APRoomEdit | |
ColorBucket | |
CreateHole | |
HoleRemove | |
PointAdd | |
PointMove | |
RoomEditor | |
RoomLoader | |
RoomSaver | |
Tool | |
WallAdd | |
WallGeometry | |
WallMovement | |
WallRemove | |
APShootingSimulation | |
ShootingSimulation | |
APSpacePartitioning | |
GeometryLoaderBase | |
FaceBase | |
VertexBase | |
NoPartitioning_Scene | |
CollisionStruct | |
CollisionStructObject | |
PointShellGeneric_Object_Data | |
PointShell_SimpleNode | |
PointShell_Object_Data | |
PSpoint | |
PointShell_Object_Data_Geometry | |
E | |
P | |
V | |
PointShell_Object_Data_Geometry_Analyser | |
EExt | |
PExt | |
VExt | |
mycomparisonMinMax | |
mycomparisonMaxMin | |
VLOD | |
ELOD | |
PLOD | |
int_3 | |
PointShell_Object_Data_LOD_Builder | |
PointShellVSVoxel_Object | |
SNCH_Object | |
InternalPointStruct | |
LMDStore | |
LocalMinimumDistance | |
OneTri | |
SNCH_Object_Data | |
DebugLevelStats | |
DebugStats | |
FaceSNCH | |
STNodeSNCH | |
VertexSNCH | |
SP_Object_Data_Base | |
SphereBVH_Object | |
SphereBVH_Object_Data | |
STNodeSphere | |
SphereBVH_Scene | |
VoxelGrid_Object_Data | |
VGReadCallback | |
APTextOutput | |
Console | |
Line | |
APWeather | |
Weather | |
ArtificialWorld | |
BlockAttributes | Atributy bloku |
BlockUpdater | Abilita, ktera se stara o aktualizaci jednoho bloku, zobrazuje a skryva jeho modely a podbloky |
Model | Uchovava informace o modelu |
AnimatedModel | Uchovava informace o animovanem Cal3D modelu, stejne jako Model, navic cislo animace, ktera se ma spustit |
SubBlock | Trida reprezentujici jeden blok ve scene |
AnimationPoint | Trida reprezentujici jeden bod animace a stav (pozice, rotace, zvetseni, alfa, maska) objektu v tomto bode |
SubBlockAnimation | Trida reprezentujici animaci bloku |
WorldBuilder | Trida, ktera vytvori hierarchicky svet ve scene |
base | |
Avatar | |
Display | |
hand | |
Light | |
MouseHand | |
MTMatrixTransform | |
Rotate | |
ShowFDH | |
ShowFDHModel | |
SystemInfo | |
MessageSIThreadCreated | |
SIThreadInfo | |
SIThreadInit | |
behindO | |
AvatarManipulator | |
CentreObjectManipulator | |
ChangeOfVisibility | |
ContactObjectManipulator | |
CuttingPlane | |
EyeManipulator | |
HeadManipulator | |
HMDHeadManipulator | |
Lens | |
Manipulator | |
MappingFunctions | |
MyUpdateCallback | |
MyCullCallback | |
Mirror | |
WIM | |
ObjectCopy | |
boids | |
Boid | |
BoidsLogic | |
BoidsPlanner | |
CarSim | |
CarControlUnit | |
CarEnvirons | |
Lights | |
GeometryPartsPath | |
CarExecutionUnit | |
CarPartsNodeCache | |
CarSize | |
CarState | |
StartStopDestination | |
Parameters | |
First3Juncs | |
CarEdgeData | |
MessageRoadAndDir | |
MessageCarEdge | |
MessageCarEdgeData | |
MessageEdgeOffset | |
MessageVectorUnsignedInt | |
MessageStartStopDestination | |
MessageFirst3Juncs | |
MessageCarSimParameters | |
MessageCarEnvirons | |
MessageCarStatePtr | |
EdgesCar | |
Edge | |
InOutEdgesAttr | |
JuncsEdge | |
Junction | |
PolygonPoint | |
Remover | |
RoadsEdges | |
RoadsState | |
TLcolorsMT | |
TLsOnJuncManager | |
esg | |
Filter | |
Linear | |
PosNoiseRemover | |
grass | |
Grass | |
GrassCullCallback | |
GrassDrawable | |
Vertex | |
Triangle | |
Mesh | |
GrassAbilityParameters | |
TriangleCollector | |
ht | |
HeadTracking | |
Screen | Defines position of screen in real world |
ScreenSetup | |
ScreenSetupState | |
ScreenSetupSimple | |
ScreenSetupSimpleState | |
Variable | |
VariableVec3 | |
VariableVec2 | |
VariableFloat | |
VariableQuat | |
Function | |
SetupFunction | |
SimpleSetupFunction | |
mv | |
CCollection | |
CGesture | |
CPoint | |
CMVect | |
CPlayer | |
Reader | |
navigation | |
AvatarInHand | |
KMTracker | |
ode | |
CappedCylinder | |
CompositeObject | |
Data | |
Cube | |
ODEObject | |
DynamicScene | |
MessageODERequest | |
Sphere | |
osg | |
osgQ | |
QShapeVisitor | |
QConstShapeVisitor | |
QSection | |
QShapeDrawable | |
QDrawShapeVisitor | |
QComputeBoundShapeVisitor | |
QPrimitiveShapeVisitor | |
PhysXPlugin | |
BaseActor | |
BaseJoint | |
BasePhysXObject | |
Box | |
Capsule | |
Cloth | |
ClothDrawable | |
CoreActorDesc | |
CylindricalJoint | |
DistanceJoint | |
ErrorReporter | |
FixedJoint | |
Fluid | |
FluidDrawable | |
ForceField | |
MaterialManager | |
Particle | |
PhysXObject | |
PhysXScene | |
MessageNxActorWithName | |
Plane | |
PointInPlaneJoint | |
PointOnLineJoint | |
PrismaticJoint | |
PulleyJoint | |
RemoteDebugger | |
RevoluteJoint | |
Sphere | |
SphericalJoint | |
UpdatablePhysXObject | |
VirtualFixture | |
Avatar | |
AxisLock | |
Border | |
Box | |
Cone | |
Cylinder | |
Damper | |
Drag | |
Filter | |
Grid | |
Log | |
Marker | |
MarkerFactory | |
NavSphere | |
Plane | |
ProxiBorder | |
ProxiBox | |
ProxiCone | |
ProxiCylinder | |
ProxiSphere | |
Sphere | |
Trace | |
Vibration | |
VibrationLabel | |
VibrationLabelActivator | |
VK_NoStepInto_Namespace | |
DynamicArray | |
vrecko | Second level of space paritioning queries - detailed searching inside object |
BufferedFile | |
BufferedFileWrite | |
Ability | |
ParameterStruct | |
AbilityDispatcher | Used for managing abilities in an EnvironmentObject and for distributing received messages to a relevant abilities |
Attribute | |
AttributesDescription | |
IOPinBase | Base class that defines the very basic method that every IO pin will have |
InputPinBase | |
OutputPinBase | |
IORequestPinBase | |
RequestInputPinBase | |
RequestOutputPinBase | |
BaseClass | |
BenchmarkWriter | Class to write any timings and other benchmark data into file |
Device | |
DeviceManager | |
DT | |
DynamicAttribute | |
Enumeration | |
EnvironmentObject | |
UserData | Here are stored pointer to UserData and its type |
EventDispatcher | |
EventDefinitionStruct | Struct that defines an event |
EventStruct | Struct contains received event |
ICS | |
ICSBase | Struct that holds identification of receiver and interconnection type |
REQUEST_Struct | |
StringWithHash | |
StringWithHashComparator | |
Interval | |
InputPin | |
OutputPin | |
RequestInputPin | |
RequestOutputPin | |
Logger | |
OutputNotificationFuncStored | |
OutstandingCounter | |
OutstandingText | |
TimingInfo | |
VreckoMessage | |
MessageVoid | |
MessageSensorTransformation | |
MTLock | Base class for multi-thread access to a single variable |
MTAutoLock | |
MTReadWriteLock | |
MTReadWriteLockEx | |
MTTwoPrioLimitedLock | |
OctTree | |
OctTreeNode | |
PersistentCache | Caching that persists multiple application sessions |
OpenedCacheFile | |
PluginManager | Simple class to load and manage the plugins |
PyAbility | Python ability |
Range | |
RWErrorHandler | |
ReaderWriter | |
AbilityToInitialize | |
XercesStr | |
ScenePSThreadInfo | |
Scene | |
EOIteratorHelper | Class for iterating through all environment objects in non-main threads |
Scheduler | |
classcomp | |
TimerStruct | |
CollisionPointInfo | |
CollisionInfo | |
CollisionParams__ver1 | Parameters for the SP_SceneInterface::getCollisions() method |
SP_Object_DataInterface | |
SP_ObjectInterface | |
SP_SceneInterface | |
StaticAttribute | |
Timer | |
ViewerBase | Abstract VRECKO viewer class |
Viewer | Child class for classic one screen viewer - used for QUAD_STEREO |
CompositeViewer | Child class for more than one screen viewer |
vThread | |
World | |
AvatarEye | Struct AvatarEye - represents avatar eye's camera parameters |
AvatarView | Struct for description of AvatarView |
SG_CHANGE | Struct that includes values of the operation parameters |
MessageCAButtonEvent | |
ControllableAbility | |
MessageCAINFO | |
logger_streambuf | |
MaterialDesc | |
vreckoDP_base | |
A3DBird | |
fdtDataGlove | |
dataT | |
fsPinchGlove | |
KeyboardMouse | |
L3DMouse | |
LHeadTracker | |
MicroScribe3D | |
NestOfBirds | |
OptiTrack | |
info_struct | |
Ultratrak | |
VRPN3DMouse | |
Wiimote | |
vreckoDP_Kinect | |
Kinect | |
vreckoUtils | |
HighlightCallback | |
Math | |
MenuCommon | |
IMenuComponent | |
MenuBase | |
MenuRoot | |
Menu | |
MenuItem | |
MenuSlider | |
MenuVisitor | |
Observer | |
Observable | |
InPlaceParserInterface | |
InPlaceParser | |
GeometryVertex | |
GeometryInterface | |
OBJ | |
BuildMesh | |
WGeometry | |
WG_Geometry | |
WG_Vertices | |
WG_Point | |
WG_Hole | |
WG_Wall | |
AABoundingBox | Represents a bounding box (a sphere, actually) of the object which wraps the object in it |
AddObserver | Rozhrani pro objekty, ktere zajima udalost Add |
AllCloudsUpdateCallBack | Structure containing camera data which is common for all of the clouds and overloaded callback method which is called once per frame |
angle_3D | |
AnimatedGeometryState | Uchovava informace o animovanem Cal3D modelu, jeho data v pameti a pocet referenci |
Arm | |
BasicPreloaderHeuristic | |
BCLoaderErrorHandler | |
BehindObstacleExp_wT | |
ExperimentRec | |
BehindObstacleExperiment | |
ExperimentRec | |
BinomialHeap | |
BinomialHeapNode | |
BufferedSpline | |
Cache | Cache, sleduje deni v ModelManageru a reaguje na udalosti ziskani modelu, smazani modelu a pridani modelu v MM |
CacheInfo | Trida pro drzeni informaci o polozce v Cache |
CatmullRomInterpolator | |
ChessBoard | |
Request | |
ChessPiece | |
Cloud | |
ParticleAwayComparison | |
CloudDataType | Inherited class from osg::Referenced. Stores information about the camera and can be referenced by osg::ref_ptr |
CloudParticle | |
CloudSceneInfo | |
CloudsManager | Manages all the clouds in the scene |
CloudsProperties | Contains all the properties of the Clouds ability loaded from XML file |
CloudVoxel | Represents a cloud voxel used for cloud generation |
ConstantColorGen | |
ConstraintHierarchyMember | |
CubicInterpolator | |
DAControlPoint | Control point of Motion trail |
DAGizmo | Gizmo - graphical representation of something, e.g. Frenet frame |
DASample | |
DeleteObserver | Rozhrani pro objekty, ktere zajima udalost Delete |
DynamicTree | |
DynamicTreeIterator | |
DynTreeNode | |
EOLineSegmentIntersector | |
FibonacciHeap | |
FibonacciHeapNode | |
FilletSpline | |
filter1 | |
filter2 | |
FrenetFrame | |
GenericHeap | |
GenericHeapNode | |
GeometryState | Uchovava informace o statickem modelu, jeho data v pameti a pocet referenci (instanci modelu ve scene) |
GetObserver | Rozhrani pro objekty, ktere zajima udalost Get |
gmMatrix3 | |
gmMatrix4 | |
gmVector2 | |
gmVector3 | |
gmVector4 | |
GradientColorGen | |
GradientDiameterGen | |
Hci | |
Icon | Icon |
InterpolatedSpline | |
Interpolator | |
InterpolatorFactory | |
length_3D | |
LinearInterpolator | |
LoadingConsole | |
Line | |
OutstandingLine | |
MagicWandTool | |
MainObject | |
MainSceneUpdateCallback | |
MemoryReadBuffer | |
MemoryWriteBuffer | |
ModelManager | |
MotionTrailTriangulator | |
MTBrush | Store info about shape of cross-section of Motion trail |
MTCreatorTool | Motion trails creator tool |
MyReadCallback | |
NullInterpolator | |
packet_rec | |
Particle | |
PHANToMAvatar | |
PHEffect | |
Point3 | |
Point3f | |
Preloader | Nahrava pravdepodobne potrebne modely v blizke budoucnosti, modely jsou urceny podle pouzite heuristiky |
PreloaderHeuristic | Rozhrani pro heuristiky, ktere se maji pouzit v Preloaderu |
PreloaderLoadedInfo | |
PreloaderToLoadInfo | |
PseudoRand2DPlacement | Represents a class which pseudo-randomly scatters the clouds over the sky in form of the grid (for now) |
RealCmp | |
Receiver | |
RegularPolygonSpline | |
SampledSpline | |
Sector | |
SectorColorGen | |
Serial | |
SliceTool | |
SmoothedSpline | |
SnapObject | |
StrX | |
SunLight | |
SweepSurfaceGeode | |
ThinHeap | |
ThinHeapNode | |
TimeLineSpline | |
Timing | |
Triangle | |
Triangle3 | |
Triangle3v | |
UniformUpdateCallback | |
UserStream | |
WavefrontObj | |