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APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType > Class Template Reference

#include <PointShell_Object_Data.h>

Inheritance diagram for APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >:
APSpacePartitioning::GeometryLoaderBase APSpacePartitioning::SP_Object_Data_Base vrecko::SP_Object_DataInterface vrecko::Ability vrecko::BaseClass

Public Types

enum  CreationType {
  LOD_Hierarchy, Simple, ByVoxels_SingleLevel, ByVoxels_MultiLevel,

Public Member Functions

 PointShellGeneric_Object_Data (const char *abName)
 ~PointShellGeneric_Object_Data ()
virtual bool isHierarchyCreated ()
vector< pair< osg::Vec3f,
osg::Vec3f > > 
getPolygons ()
vector< pair< osg::Vec3f, float > > getDrawSpheres ()
virtual int getPolygonsCount ()
virtual void destroyPointShells ()
virtual void destroyPointShell (CreationType type)
int getPointShellSize ()
_NodeType * getRoot ()
_NodeType * getRoot (CreationType type)
int getCollisions (int id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from APSpacePartitioning::GeometryLoaderBase
 GeometryLoaderBase ()
 ~GeometryLoaderBase ()
virtual bool loadXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *node)
virtual bool loadGeometry (osg::Node *pNode)
virtual unsigned long getVertexStructureSize ()
virtual void allocateVertexArray (unsigned long numVertices)
virtual void deallocateVertexArray ()
virtual bool saveVerticesToFile (vrecko::BufferedFileWrite *bfile)
virtual bool loadVerticesFromFile (vrecko::BufferedFile *bfile)
virtual unsigned long getFaceStructureSize ()
virtual void allocateFaceArray (unsigned long numFaces)
virtual void deallocateFaceArray ()
virtual bool saveFacesToFile (vrecko::BufferedFileWrite *bfile)
virtual bool loadFacesFromFile (vrecko::BufferedFile *bfile)
void * getFace (unsigned long index)
void * getVertex (unsigned long index)
unsigned long getFaceCount ()
unsigned long getVertexCount ()
void debugWriteNormals ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from APSpacePartitioning::SP_Object_Data_Base
 SP_Object_Data_Base (const char *abName)
 ~SP_Object_Data_Base ()
virtual void preInitialize ()
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual void update ()
 This method is called periodically in case this instance is registered in Scheduler. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vrecko::SP_Object_DataInterface
 SP_Object_DataInterface ()
 ~SP_Object_DataInterface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from vrecko::Ability
virtual ~Ability ()
 copy constructor More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the ability name. More...
void setPluginName (const char *pName)
 Sets the plugin name. More...
const std::string & getPluginName (void) const
 Returns the plugin name. More...
const std::string & getID (void) const
 Returns ability the identification string. More...
void setID (const char *pID)
 (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets the ability ID. More...
virtual void clean (void)
void setOwner (BaseClass *owner)
 (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets ability owner. *l This method is called automatically in World::createAbility(), so one would (almost?) never want to use it directly. More...
BaseClassgetOwner (void)
 Returns the ability owner. More...
virtual ParameterVectorgetParameterVector (void)
 Return vector of the parameter description. More...
bool isUpdated (void)
 Set update flag. More...
virtual const std::string & getSenderString (void)
 Returns the identification string of sender. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
 BaseClass (const char *startingSenderString)
 The main constructor. More...
 BaseClass (BaseClass &bc)
 Copy constructor. Probably not really used. More...
virtual ~BaseClass ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool initialize (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *parameters=NULL)
 Core initialization. More...
virtual bool initializeFromString (const char *xmlString)
 Helper method that allows to initialize ability from a XML-formatted string. More...
 Save current setting into a XML node. More...
bool inputPresent (const std::string &name)
 Returns true if input pin (not request inputpin ) with given name is present. More...
bool outputPresent (const std::string &name)
 Returns true if output pin (not request output pin) with given name is present. More...
void addInputPin (InputPinBase *pin)
 Adds an input pin. More...
void removeInputPin (InputPinBase *pin)
 Removes an input pin. More...
void addOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin)
 Adds an output pin. More...
void removeOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin)
 Removes and output pin. More...
void addRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin)
 Adds a request input pin. More...
void removeRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin)
 Removes a request input pin. More...
void addRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin)
 Adds a request output pin. More...
void removeRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin)
 Removes a request output pin. More...
bool addNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes)
 Registers an observer that will be notified if a specific change occurs. More...
bool removeNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes=NOTIFICATION_ALL)
 Unregisters a previously registered observer. More...
virtual void processEvent (const std::string &input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage)
 Internal method for processing the events. More...
virtual VreckoMessageprocessRequest (const std::string &request_input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage)
 Internal method for processing the requests. More...
void reportError (const std::string &error)
 Print error message. More...
void setPriority (long int pr)
 Sets the priority. (Possible problems - read the full description for more info) More...
long int getPriority (void) const
 Returns current object priority. More...
void setAttribute (const std::string &attr_name, int attr_value)
 Sets an attribute value. More...
int getAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
 Returns attribute value. More...
int getAttribute (const char *attr_name)
 Returns attribute value. More...
void deleteAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
 Delete an attribute. More...
void setSceneFile (const std::string &sceneFileName)
 Set the name of the file this component was in (and possibly will be saved to). More...
const std::string & getSceneFile () const
 Get the name of the file this component was in. More...
virtual void postInitialize (void)
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual bool loadXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *)
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual bool loadXMLParameters (const char *xmlString)
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
InputPinBasegetInputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
OutputPinBasegetOutputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an output pin with specified name. More...
RequestInputPinBasegetRequestInputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an request input pin with specified name. More...
RequestOutputPinBasegetRequestOutputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...

Public Attributes

CreationType creationType
float maxDist
osg::Vec3f maxDistVect

Protected Member Functions

void buildLODTree ()
bool loadTreeFromFile (vrecko::BufferedFile *bfile, DynamicTree< _NodeType > *t)
bool loadNodeFromFileRec (_NodeType *node, vrecko::BufferedFile *bfile, DynamicTree< _NodeType > *t)
bool saveTreeToFile (vrecko::BufferedFileWrite *bfile, DynamicTree< _NodeType > *t)
bool saveNodeToFileRec (_NodeType *node, vrecko::BufferedFileWrite *bfile)
bool savePointShellCollisions ()
bool ready ()
virtual bool coreHierarchyCreation (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from APSpacePartitioning::GeometryLoaderBase
bool getOSGInitCounts (osg::Node *pNode, unsigned long &pVertexCount, unsigned long &pPrimitiveCount)
bool loadGeometryHelper (osg::Node *pNode, osg::Matrix &transform, unsigned long &vertex_pos, unsigned long &face_pos)
void sortVerticesClockwise ()
virtual void destroyGeometry ()
void recalculateNormals ()
osg::Vec3 * getNormalByIndex (osg::Geometry::AttributeBinding normalBinding, osg::Vec3Array *pNormArray, osg::IndexArray *pNormIndices, unsigned long index)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from APSpacePartitioning::SP_Object_Data_Base
virtual bool startThreadedHierarchyCreation ()
virtual void destroyThread ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vrecko::Ability
 Ability (const char *theAbilityName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
bool sendNotifications (unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData)
virtual int processNotification (BaseClass *sender, unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData)
 Process an incoming notification. More...
IOPinBasefindPinInList (const char *strName, PinList *pinList)
 Internal method to find a given pin in a given list. More...

Protected Attributes

pair< osg::Vec3f, osg::Vec3f > * polygons
int polygonsCount
DynamicTree< _NodeType > treeSimple
DynamicTree< _NodeType > treeLOD
DynamicTree< _NodeType > treeSingleLevel
DynamicTree< _NodeType > treeMultiLevel
bool treeLODCreated
bool treeSimpleCreated
bool treeSingleLevelCreated
bool treeMultiLevelCreated
int rootSizeLOD
int rootSizeSimple
int rootSizeMulti
int rootSizeSingle
int rootSizeCollisions
bool bCreated
- Protected Attributes inherited from APSpacePartitioning::GeometryLoaderBase
void * faces
unsigned long face_count
unsigned long face_size
void * vertices
unsigned long vertex_count
unsigned long vertex_size
bool bRecalculateNormals
- Protected Attributes inherited from APSpacePartitioning::SP_Object_Data_Base
HANDLE hHierarchyCreationThread
bool bThreadShouldTerminate
- Protected Attributes inherited from vrecko::Ability
 Pointer to the owner of this ability. (Almost?) always an EnvironmentObject class. More...
std::vector< std::string > parameterString
bool updated
 Update flag. It is used for save. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
AttributeMap attribute
MTReadWriteLock attributeLock
std::string senderString
MTLock notificationsLock
long int priority
const std::string * sceneFile
PinList inputPinsList
PinList outputPinsList
PinList requestInputPinsList
PinList requestOutputPinsList

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
typedef std::map< std::string,
int > 
 Attributes. More...
typedef std::vector
< osg::ref_ptr< IOPinBase > > 

Member Enumeration Documentation


creating a voxel grid on demand of maximum vertexes on model


the simplest creation possible - take vertices and convert them into points in pointshell


distribute points using voxels and store the results into a single level


distribute points using voxels and store the results into a hierarchy


Used for computation selected structures and save them in a different trees. The Real Time collision will be still computed as a Simple.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class _NodeType >
APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data ( const char *  abName)

Member Function Documentation

template<class _NodeType>
void APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::buildLODTree ( )
template<class _NodeType >
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::coreHierarchyCreation ( void  )
template<class _NodeType >
void APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::destroyPointShell ( CreationType  type)

destrij pointshell used by specific creation type

template<class _NodeType >
void APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::destroyPointShells ( )

destroys all pointshells

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getCollisions ( int  id)

returns the amount of collisions stored in the pointshell node with requested ID)

template<class _NodeType>
vector<pair<osg::Vec3f,float> > APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getDrawSpheres ( )

returns the vector of pairs (psition, radius) that represents spheres that represents all childs of requested node

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getPointShellSize ( )

return size of pointshell by actual setting of CreationType

template<class _NodeType>
vector<pair<osg::Vec3f,osg::Vec3f> > APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getPolygons ( )

returns the requested polygon

template<class _NodeType>
virtual int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getPolygonsCount ( )

returns total amounth of polygons

template<class _NodeType>
_NodeType* APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getRoot ( )

returns the top node (Root) of the tree by actual setting of CreationType

template<class _NodeType>
_NodeType* APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::getRoot ( CreationType  type)
template<class _NodeType>
virtual bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::isHierarchyCreated ( )

returns whether the hierrarchy is created already or not

Reimplemented from vrecko::SP_Object_DataInterface.

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::loadNodeFromFileRec ( _NodeType *  node,
vrecko::BufferedFile bfile,
DynamicTree< _NodeType > *  t 
template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::loadTreeFromFile ( vrecko::BufferedFile bfile,
DynamicTree< _NodeType > *  t 
template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::ready ( )
template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::saveNodeToFileRec ( _NodeType *  node,
vrecko::BufferedFileWrite bfile 
template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::savePointShellCollisions ( )
template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::saveTreeToFile ( vrecko::BufferedFileWrite bfile,
DynamicTree< _NodeType > *  t 

Member Data Documentation

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::bCreated

Denotes wheather the ability is ready

template<class _NodeType>
CreationType APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::creationType

current creation type

template<class _NodeType>
float APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::maxDist

maximal distance between two vertices in the pointshell

template<class _NodeType>
osg::Vec3f APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::maxDistVect

maximal vector of the maxdistance

template<class _NodeType>
pair<osg::Vec3f,osg::Vec3f>* APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::polygons

normal, position

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::polygonsCount

total amounth of polygons

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::rootSizeCollisions

Amounth of the root nodes in the tree

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::rootSizeLOD

Amounth of the root nodes in the tree

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::rootSizeMulti

Amounth of the root nodes in the tree

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::rootSizeSimple

Amounth of the root nodes in the tree

template<class _NodeType>
int APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::rootSizeSingle

Amounth of the root nodes in the tree

template<class _NodeType>
DynamicTree<_NodeType> APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeLOD

used for LODHeirearchy creation

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeLODCreated

to check wheather the LOD tree is created

template<class _NodeType>
DynamicTree<_NodeType> APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeMultiLevel

used for Multi Level Structure creation

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeMultiLevelCreated

to check wheather the MultiLevel tree is created

template<class _NodeType>
DynamicTree<_NodeType> APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeSimple

single root and simple layer of all points under it

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeSimpleCreated

to check wheather the Simple tree is created

template<class _NodeType>
DynamicTree<_NodeType> APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeSingleLevel

used for Single Level Structure creation

template<class _NodeType>
bool APSpacePartitioning::PointShellGeneric_Object_Data< _NodeType >::treeSingleLevelCreated

to check wheather the SingleLevel tree is created

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: