| RoadsState () |
| ~RoadsState () |
void | preInitialize (void) |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
void | processEvent (const std::string &input_name, void *value) |
void * | processRequest (const std::string &input_name, void *value) |
virtual void | update (void) |
| This method is called periodically in case this instance is registered in Scheduler. More...
bool | loadXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *pParametersNode) |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual | ~Ability () |
| copy constructor More...
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Returns the ability name. More...
void | setPluginName (const char *pName) |
| Sets the plugin name. More...
const std::string & | getPluginName (void) const |
| Returns the plugin name. More...
const std::string & | getID (void) const |
| Returns ability the identification string. More...
void | setID (const char *pID) |
| (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets the ability ID. More...
virtual void | clean (void) |
void | setOwner (BaseClass *owner) |
| (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets ability owner. *l This method is called automatically in World::createAbility(), so one would (almost?) never want to use it directly. More...
BaseClass * | getOwner (void) |
| Returns the ability owner. More...
virtual ParameterVector * | getParameterVector (void) |
| Return vector of the parameter description. More...
bool | isUpdated (void) |
| Set update flag. More...
virtual const std::string & | getSenderString (void) |
| Returns the identification string of sender. More...
| BaseClass (const char *startingSenderString) |
| The main constructor. More...
| BaseClass (BaseClass &bc) |
| Copy constructor. Probably not really used. More...
virtual | ~BaseClass () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | initialize (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *parameters=NULL) |
| Core initialization. More...
virtual bool | initializeFromString (const char *xmlString) |
| Helper method that allows to initialize ability from a XML-formatted string. More...
DOMNode * | saveXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *) |
| Save current setting into a XML node. More...
bool | inputPresent (const std::string &name) |
| Returns true if input pin (not request inputpin ) with given name is present. More...
bool | outputPresent (const std::string &name) |
| Returns true if output pin (not request output pin) with given name is present. More...
void | addInputPin (InputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds an input pin. More...
void | removeInputPin (InputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes an input pin. More...
void | addOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds an output pin. More...
void | removeOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes and output pin. More...
void | addRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds a request input pin. More...
void | removeRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes a request input pin. More...
void | addRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds a request output pin. More...
void | removeRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes a request output pin. More...
bool | addNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes) |
| Registers an observer that will be notified if a specific change occurs. More...
bool | removeNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes=NOTIFICATION_ALL) |
| Unregisters a previously registered observer. More...
virtual void | processEvent (const std::string &input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) |
| Internal method for processing the events. More...
virtual VreckoMessage * | processRequest (const std::string &request_input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) |
| Internal method for processing the requests. More...
void | reportError (const std::string &error) |
| Print error message. More...
void | setPriority (long int pr) |
| Sets the priority. (Possible problems - read the full description for more info) More...
long int | getPriority (void) const |
| Returns current object priority. More...
void | setAttribute (const std::string &attr_name, int attr_value) |
| Sets an attribute value. More...
int | getAttribute (const std::string &attr_name) |
| Returns attribute value. More...
int | getAttribute (const char *attr_name) |
| Returns attribute value. More...
void | deleteAttribute (const std::string &attr_name) |
| Delete an attribute. More...
void | setSceneFile (const std::string &sceneFileName) |
| Set the name of the file this component was in (and possibly will be saved to). More...
const std::string & | getSceneFile () const |
| Get the name of the file this component was in. More...
virtual void | postInitialize (void) |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual bool | loadXMLParameters (const char *xmlString) |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
InputPinBase * | getInputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
OutputPinBase * | getOutputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an output pin with specified name. More...
RequestInputPinBase * | getRequestInputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an request input pin with specified name. More...
RequestOutputPinBase * | getRequestOutputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
void | loadJuncPolyRoad (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode const *const pRoadNetNode) |
void | loadJunction (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNamedNodeMap const *const pAttributes) |
void | loadPolygonPoint (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNamedNodeMap const *const pAttributes) |
void | loadRoad (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNamedNodeMap const *const pAttributes) |
void | addEdgesAsEO () |
void | checkEdgesFromToAndTheirPolygonPoints () |
void | findShortestPath (std::vector< unsigned int > *const pResultPath, const StartStopDestination *const pStartStopDestination) |
void | findPath (std::vector< unsigned int > *const pResultPath, const unsigned int startEdge) |
void | getAbsPos (osg::Vec3 &resultPos, const unsigned int edge, const float offset) |
void | computeEdgesAttributes () |
void | computeJunctionsEdges () |
void | interPointOfLineAndPerpendicularPlane (osg::Vec3 &inter, const osg::Vec3 &linePoint, const osg::Vec3 &lineVec, const osg::Vec3 &planePoint) |
const float | distFromPointToLine (const osg::Vec3 &linePoint, const osg::Vec3 &lineVec, const osg::Vec3 &point) |
void | herFerDeriv (osg::Vec3 &result, const float d, const osg::Vec3 &P1, const osg::Vec3 &P4, const osg::Vec3 &R1, const osg::Vec3 &R4) |
bool | pointInHalfSpace (const osg::Vec3 &point, const osg::Vec3 &halfSpacePoint, const osg::Vec3 &halfSpaceVec) |
void | getCarEdgeId (unsigned int &carEdgeId, const unsigned int lastCarEdgeId, const osg::Vec3 &bottomCarPosition, const unsigned int juncId, const unsigned int outEdgeId) |
void | distPointToPlane (float &dist, const osg::Vec3 &point, const osg::Vec3 &planePoint, const osg::Vec3 &planeNormal) |
void | linesInter2D (osg::Vec2 &result, const osg::Vec2 &line1Point, const osg::Vec2 &line1Vec, const osg::Vec2 &line2Point, const osg::Vec2 &line2Vec) |
void | findJuncsSinglePolyPoints () |
void | addTerminatorEdges (unsigned int fstSinglePolyPoint, unsigned int sndSinglePolyPoint, unsigned int fstEdgeId, unsigned int sndEdgeId, const unsigned int juncId) |
void | mergeCloseJunctions () |
void | addEdgeAsEO (const unsigned int edgeId) |
void | orderJunctionsEdges () |
void | computeJuncInOutEdgesAttr () |
void | unregCarForEdge (const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int edgeId) |
void | unregLastCarForEdge (const unsigned int edgeId) |
bool | regCarForEdge (const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int startEdgeId, const float startOffset, const float carLength, const bool showErrors) |
void | regFstCarForEdge (const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int edgeId, const float offset, const float carLength, const float vel) |
bool | isCarRegForEdge (const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int edgeId) |
void | updateCarForEdge (const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int edgeId, const float headOffset, const float rearOffset, const float vel) |
void | getNextCarDistAndVel (float &nextCarDist, float &nextCarVel, const unsigned int carId, const unsigned int edgeId) |
bool | isCarStopPositionRight (const unsigned int stopEdgeId, const float stopOffset, const float carLength) |
bool | isFreeSpaceForCarGroupOnEdge (const unsigned int edgeId, const float fstCarInGroupLength, unsigned int carCount) |
bool | lockJuncsEdgesForNewCar (const std::vector< unsigned int > *const pPath, const unsigned int lastJuncInPath, const bool isLastCar, const bool isStopedCar, const float carLength, const unsigned int carId) |
void | regIncomingCarToShortEdges (const std::vector< unsigned int > *const pPath, const unsigned int lastJuncInPath, const unsigned int carId) |
void | setStopedIncomingCarToShortEdges (const std::vector< unsigned int > *const pPath, const unsigned int lastJuncInPath, const unsigned int carId) |
bool | rightHandRule (bool &withDeadlock, const unsigned int inEdge, const unsigned int outEdge, const unsigned int juncId, const bool isCarLastStoped, const unsigned int carId) |
void | decreaseLockCountForPrevEdge (const unsigned int edgeId, const unsigned int lastJuncId, const unsigned int nextJuncId, const unsigned int nextNextJuncId, const bool mergedEdgeSkiped, const unsigned int carId) |
void | computeRecVelocityOnJunc (float &recVel, const unsigned int juncId, const unsigned int inEdge, const unsigned int outEdge) |
void | getTurnOnJunc (unsigned int &turnOnJunc, const unsigned int juncId, const unsigned int inEdge, const unsigned int outEdge) |
void | generateCars (const unsigned int numOfGenCars, const bool genShortestPath) |
void | showPoint (const osg::Vec3 &point) |
bool | isDeadlock (const unsigned int juncId) |
void | loadTLparameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *const pTLparametersNode) |
void | createTrafficLights (void) |
bool | isValidJuncWithTLs (unsigned int juncId) |
| DECLARE_INPUT (InUnregCarForEdge, MessageCarEdge) |
| DECLARE_INPUT (InAddForEdgeRegisteredCarToPutAsideCars, MessageCarEdge) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetReady, MessageVoid, MessageBool) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetDataPath, MessageVoid, MessageString) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetEdgeAbsPos, MessageEdgeOffset, MessageVec3) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetEdgeOutInVec, MessageUnsignedInt, MessageVec3) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetEdgeNormal, MessageUnsignedInt, MessageVec3) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InFindShortestPath, MessageStartStopDestination, MessageVectorUnsignedInt) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InCheckCarStopPosition, MessageCarEdgeData, MessageBool) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetStartOrStopEdgeFromRoadAndDirection, MessageRoadAndDir, MessageUnsignedInt) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InRegCarForEdge, MessageCarEdgeData, MessageBool) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetRecVelOnJunc, MessageFirst3Juncs, MessageFloat) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetTurnOnJunc, MessageFirst3Juncs, MessageUnsignedInt) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InIsCarFstPutAsideOnEdge, MessageCarEdge, MessageBool) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InRegisterPutAsideCarForEdge, MessageCarEdgeData, MessageBool) |
| DECLARE_REQUEST_INPUT (InGetCarEnvirons, MessageCarSimParameters, MessageCarEnvirons) |
| Ability (const char *theAbilityName) |
bool | sendNotifications (unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData) |
virtual int | processNotification (BaseClass *sender, unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData) |
| Process an incoming notification. More...
IOPinBase * | findPinInList (const char *strName, PinList *pinList) |
| Internal method to find a given pin in a given list. More...