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APHUD::HUDDisplay Class Reference

#include <HUDDisplay.h>

Inheritance diagram for APHUD::HUDDisplay:
vrecko::Ability vrecko::BaseClass

Public Member Functions

 HUDDisplay ()
 ~HUDDisplay ()
virtual void preInitialize ()
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual void postInitialize ()
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual bool loadXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *pParametersNode)
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual void update (void)
 This method is called periodically in case this instance is registered in Scheduler. More...
bool addWindow (string plugin_name)
bool updateWindowColor (string plugin_name, osg::Vec4f color)
bool addField (string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool updateFieldTextColor (string field_name, string plugin_name, osg::Vec4f color)
bool setFieldAsAnimated (string field_name, string plugin_name, bool value)
bool updateGradient (string field_name, string plugin_name, osg::Vec4f startColor, osg::Vec4f endColor)
bool updateValuesRange (string field_name, string plugin_name, float minValue, float maxValue)
bool removeWindow (string plugin_name)
bool removeField (string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool clearValue (string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool updateText (string text, string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool updateValue (float value, string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool setColorProfileforWindow (string plugin_name, int colorprofile)
float getActualValue (string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool hudWindowExist (string plugin_name)
bool hudFieldExist (string field_name, string plugin_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vrecko::Ability
virtual ~Ability ()
 copy constructor More...
const std::string & getName () const
 Returns the ability name. More...
void setPluginName (const char *pName)
 Sets the plugin name. More...
const std::string & getPluginName (void) const
 Returns the plugin name. More...
const std::string & getID (void) const
 Returns ability the identification string. More...
void setID (const char *pID)
 (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets the ability ID. More...
virtual void clean (void)
void setOwner (BaseClass *owner)
 (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets ability owner. *l This method is called automatically in World::createAbility(), so one would (almost?) never want to use it directly. More...
BaseClassgetOwner (void)
 Returns the ability owner. More...
virtual ParameterVectorgetParameterVector (void)
 Return vector of the parameter description. More...
bool isUpdated (void)
 Set update flag. More...
virtual const std::string & getSenderString (void)
 Returns the identification string of sender. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
 BaseClass (const char *startingSenderString)
 The main constructor. More...
 BaseClass (BaseClass &bc)
 Copy constructor. Probably not really used. More...
virtual ~BaseClass ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool initialize (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *parameters=NULL)
 Core initialization. More...
virtual bool initializeFromString (const char *xmlString)
 Helper method that allows to initialize ability from a XML-formatted string. More...
 Save current setting into a XML node. More...
bool inputPresent (const std::string &name)
 Returns true if input pin (not request inputpin ) with given name is present. More...
bool outputPresent (const std::string &name)
 Returns true if output pin (not request output pin) with given name is present. More...
void addInputPin (InputPinBase *pin)
 Adds an input pin. More...
void removeInputPin (InputPinBase *pin)
 Removes an input pin. More...
void addOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin)
 Adds an output pin. More...
void removeOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin)
 Removes and output pin. More...
void addRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin)
 Adds a request input pin. More...
void removeRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin)
 Removes a request input pin. More...
void addRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin)
 Adds a request output pin. More...
void removeRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin)
 Removes a request output pin. More...
bool addNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes)
 Registers an observer that will be notified if a specific change occurs. More...
bool removeNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes=NOTIFICATION_ALL)
 Unregisters a previously registered observer. More...
virtual void processEvent (const std::string &input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage)
 Internal method for processing the events. More...
virtual VreckoMessageprocessRequest (const std::string &request_input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage)
 Internal method for processing the requests. More...
void reportError (const std::string &error)
 Print error message. More...
void setPriority (long int pr)
 Sets the priority. (Possible problems - read the full description for more info) More...
long int getPriority (void) const
 Returns current object priority. More...
void setAttribute (const std::string &attr_name, int attr_value)
 Sets an attribute value. More...
int getAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
 Returns attribute value. More...
int getAttribute (const char *attr_name)
 Returns attribute value. More...
void deleteAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
 Delete an attribute. More...
void setSceneFile (const std::string &sceneFileName)
 Set the name of the file this component was in (and possibly will be saved to). More...
const std::string & getSceneFile () const
 Get the name of the file this component was in. More...
virtual bool loadXMLParameters (const char *xmlString)
 OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
InputPinBasegetInputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
OutputPinBasegetOutputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an output pin with specified name. More...
RequestInputPinBasegetRequestInputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an request input pin with specified name. More...
RequestOutputPinBasegetRequestOutputPin (const char *strName)
 Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...

Protected Member Functions

list< HUDWindow >::iterator getHUDWindow (string plugin_name)
list< HUDField >::iterator getHUDField (string field_name, string plugin_name)
bool correctName (string name)
bool setValue (string text, string field_name, string plugin_name)
void updateAllWindowsPositions ()
void updateAllWindows ()
void updateWindowSizeX (string plugin_name)
void updateWindow (string plugin_name)
void updateFieldsPosition (string plugin_name)
void updateFields (string plugin_name)
void updateField (string field_name, string plugin_name)
void updateAllFields ()
void updateAllFieldsPosition ()
void removeAllFields (string plugin_name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vrecko::Ability
 Ability (const char *theAbilityName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
bool sendNotifications (unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData)
virtual int processNotification (BaseClass *sender, unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData)
 Process an incoming notification. More...
IOPinBasefindPinInList (const char *strName, PinList *pinList)
 Internal method to find a given pin in a given list. More...

Protected Attributes

osg::ref_ptr< osg::Camera > camera
< vrecko::EnvironmentObject
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geode > geode
osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet > stateSet
list< HUDWindowhudWindows
int viewWidth
int viewHeight
int windowDefaultColorR
int windowDefaultColorG
int windowDefaultColorB
int windowDefaultColorA
int windowTabVertical
int windowTabHorizontal
int startWindowWidth
int startWindowHeight
int HUDDepthWindow
int HUDDepthField
int HUDDepthFieldBackground
int HUDDivision
int fieldDefaultColorR
int fieldDefaultColorG
int fieldDefaultColorB
int fieldDefaultColorA
int fieldTabVertical
int fieldTabHorizontal
int fieldSizeVertical
int definedcolorprofiles
HUDColorProfile cProfiles [10]
- Protected Attributes inherited from vrecko::Ability
 Pointer to the owner of this ability. (Almost?) always an EnvironmentObject class. More...
std::vector< std::string > parameterString
bool updated
 Update flag. It is used for save. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
AttributeMap attribute
MTReadWriteLock attributeLock
std::string senderString
MTLock notificationsLock
long int priority
const std::string * sceneFile
PinList inputPinsList
PinList outputPinsList
PinList requestInputPinsList
PinList requestOutputPinsList

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from vrecko::Ability
typedef std::vector
< ParameterStruct
 Vector of the description of parameters. More...
- Protected Types inherited from vrecko::BaseClass
typedef std::map< std::string,
int > 
 Attributes. More...
typedef std::vector
< osg::ref_ptr< IOPinBase > > 

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

APHUD::HUDDisplay::HUDDisplay ( )
APHUD::HUDDisplay::~HUDDisplay ( )

Member Function Documentation

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::addField ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

Add a field to window

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::addWindow ( string  plugin_name)

Adds window into a hud.

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::clearValue ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

clears the value of a field (set it to a minValue)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::correctName ( string  name)

return TRUE if the specific given Name is Acceptable

float APHUD::HUDDisplay::getActualValue ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

DO NOT USE THIS FOR DATA EXCHANGE BERTWEEN MODULES !!!! (It's extremly slow.)returns an actualValue of a field name

list< HUDField >::iterator APHUD::HUDDisplay::getHUDField ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

returns an iterator for a field with specific name (ID) in a window with specific name

list< HUDWindow >::iterator APHUD::HUDDisplay::getHUDWindow ( string  plugin_name)

returns an iterator for a window with specific name (ID)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::hudFieldExist ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

return TRUE if the field in a window exists, vice versa

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::hudWindowExist ( string  plugin_name)

returns TRUE if window exists, vice versa


OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility.

The preInitialize(), loadXMLParameters() and postInitialize() methods were replaced in 2011 by a single method initialize().


Reimplemented from vrecko::BaseClass.

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::postInitialize ( void  )

OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility.

The preInitialize(), loadXMLParameters() and postInitialize() methods were replaced in 2011 by a single method initialize().

Reimplemented from vrecko::BaseClass.

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::preInitialize ( void  )

OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility.

The preInitialize(), loadXMLParameters() and postInitialize() methods were replaced in 2011 by a single method initialize().

Reimplemented from vrecko::BaseClass.

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::removeAllFields ( string  plugin_name)

remove all fields in a given window

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::removeField ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

removes field from window

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::removeWindow ( string  plugin_name)

removes window from hud (with all it's fields)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::setColorProfileforWindow ( string  plugin_name,
int  colorprofile 

sets a complete color profile for a window (values 1-10)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::setFieldAsAnimated ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name,
bool  value 

set whether the field behind a text shoud appear or not.

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::setValue ( string  text,
string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

not checked function may not be called from outside. Sets a Value to a Field

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::update ( void  )

This method is called periodically in case this instance is registered in Scheduler.

The method is called periodically at specified frequency or every frame. Use the Scheduler::addEntity() method to register your class and set the frequency.

Reimplemented from vrecko::BaseClass.

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateAllFields ( )

update and redraw all fields in all windows

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateAllFieldsPosition ( )

update all fields in a all windows

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateAllWindows ( )

updats positions and redraw all windows

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateAllWindowsPositions ( )

updates position values of all windows

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateField ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

update field with given name

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateFields ( string  plugin_name)

update all fields in a window

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateFieldsPosition ( string  plugin_name)

updates position of a field in a window

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateFieldTextColor ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name,
osg::Vec4f  color 

Set a color of the fieldText

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateGradient ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name,
osg::Vec4f  startColor,
osg::Vec4f  endColor 

set the colors for minValue(Start) and maxValue (EndColor)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateText ( string  text,
string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

set the text value to a field (actual value is set to maxValue)

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateValue ( float  value,
string  field_name,
string  plugin_name 

set the actualValue of a field

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateValuesRange ( string  field_name,
string  plugin_name,
float  minValue,
float  maxValue 

sets the boundaries for value

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateWindow ( string  plugin_name)

updates position of window and redraws

bool APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateWindowColor ( string  plugin_name,
osg::Vec4f  color 

Sets the color of window

void APHUD::HUDDisplay::updateWindowSizeX ( string  plugin_name)

computes and save vertical size of a window

Member Data Documentation

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> APHUD::HUDDisplay::camera

OverView of a system work.

world -> camera -> eo -> geode -> (multiplae objects inside (Geometry, Geometru, Text))Camera used for rendering HUD

HUDColorProfile APHUD::HUDDisplay::cProfiles[10]

field of color profiles

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::definedcolorprofiles

defined number of color profiles

osg::ref_ptr<vrecko::EnvironmentObject> APHUD::HUDDisplay::eo

environment object where to put all objects to render in HUD

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldDefaultColorA

default settting of A channel for field text color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldDefaultColorB

default settting of B channel for field text color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldDefaultColorG

default settting of G channel for field text color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldDefaultColorR

default settting of R channel for field text color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldSizeVertical

size of a field fertical in pixels

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldTabHorizontal

spaces between fields and field and windows vertical

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::fieldTabVertical

spaces between fields and field and windows vertical

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> APHUD::HUDDisplay::geode

Geode where to store all

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::HUDDepthField

depth values of field (-1000 = background, -1 foreground)

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::HUDDepthFieldBackground

depth values of field background (-1000 = background, -1 foreground)

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::HUDDepthWindow

depth values of window (-1000 = background, -1 foreground)

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::HUDDivision

maximum allowed huds Windows at a time

list<HUDWindow> APHUD::HUDDisplay::hudWindows

List of all windows

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::startWindowHeight

default height of windows

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::startWindowWidth

default width of windows

osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> APHUD::HUDDisplay::stateSet
vrecko::ViewerBase* APHUD::HUDDisplay::viewer

Viewer that has the camera

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::viewHeight

known height of viewer in pixels

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::viewWidth

known width of viewer in pixels

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowDefaultColorA

default settings of A channel for color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowDefaultColorB

default settings of B channel for color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowDefaultColorG

default settings of G channel for color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowDefaultColorR

default settings of R channel for color

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowTabHorizontal

default space between windows horizontal

int APHUD::HUDDisplay::windowTabVertical

default space between windows vertical

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: