bool | loadXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *pParametersNode) |
virtual void | preInitialize () |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
virtual void | postInitialize () |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
| Lights (void) |
| ~Lights (void) |
void | InitializeGI () |
int | add (osg::Vec4 position=osg::Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1), osg::Vec3 direction=osg::Vec3(0, 0,-1), float spotCutOff=180, float spotExp=0) |
int | add (osg::LightSource *lightSource) |
int | addSun (int day, int month, int year, int hour, int minute, osg::Vec4 *sunPosition=NULL) |
bool | remove (int lightNum) |
bool | removeAll () |
int | size () |
osg::Light * | at (int lightNum) |
osg::LightSource * | getLightSource (int lightNum) |
osg::Light * | getLight (int lightNum) |
bool | setLightVisibility (int lightNum, bool on) |
bool | setActiveShadowLight (int lightNum) |
void | enableShadows (bool OnOrOff) |
void | setMode (shadowModes shadowMode, shadingModes shadingMode, giModes giMode) |
bool | isShadowsEnabled () |
void | setClearColor (osg::Vec4 color) |
osg::Vec4 & | getClearColor () |
int | getCurrentShadowLightID () |
shadowModes | getCurrentShadowMode () |
shadingModes | getCurrectShadingMode () |
giModes | getCurrentGIMode () |
void | setGlobalAmbient (osg::Vec4 color) |
const osg::Vec4 | getGlobalAmbient () |
int | getDOSampleCount () |
float | getDORadius () |
int | getBounceSampleCount () |
float | getBounceRadius () |
int | getBlurSize () |
void | setDOSampleCount (int count) |
void | setDORadius (float radius) |
void | setBounceSampleCount (int count) |
void | setBounceRadius (float radius) |
void | setBlurSize (int size) |
void | createFlare (int lightNum) |
const osg::Vec4 & | getSunDate () |
osgShadow::ShadowTechnique * | getShadowTechnique () |
std::vector< osg::Node * > & | getFlares () |
osg::Texture2D * | createBuffer (osg::Vec2 textureSize, osg::Texture::FilterMode filter, osg::Texture::WrapMode wrap, GLint internalFormat, GLenum sourceFormat) |
void | setUpCamera (osg::ref_ptr< osg::Camera > camera, osg::Vec2 textureSize, osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet > camSS, osg::ref_ptr< osg::Shader > vert, osg::ref_ptr< osg::Shader > frag) |
virtual | ~Ability () |
| copy constructor More...
const std::string & | getName () const |
| Returns the ability name. More...
void | setPluginName (const char *pName) |
| Sets the plugin name. More...
const std::string & | getPluginName (void) const |
| Returns the plugin name. More...
const std::string & | getID (void) const |
| Returns ability the identification string. More...
void | setID (const char *pID) |
| (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets the ability ID. More...
virtual void | clean (void) |
void | setOwner (BaseClass *owner) |
| (Internal usage, most people should not need to use it.) Sets ability owner. *l This method is called automatically in World::createAbility(), so one would (almost?) never want to use it directly. More...
BaseClass * | getOwner (void) |
| Returns the ability owner. More...
virtual ParameterVector * | getParameterVector (void) |
| Return vector of the parameter description. More...
bool | isUpdated (void) |
| Set update flag. More...
virtual const std::string & | getSenderString (void) |
| Returns the identification string of sender. More...
| BaseClass (const char *startingSenderString) |
| The main constructor. More...
| BaseClass (BaseClass &bc) |
| Copy constructor. Probably not really used. More...
virtual | ~BaseClass () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | initialize (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *parameters=NULL) |
| Core initialization. More...
virtual bool | initializeFromString (const char *xmlString) |
| Helper method that allows to initialize ability from a XML-formatted string. More...
virtual void | update (void) |
| This method is called periodically in case this instance is registered in Scheduler. More...
DOMNode * | saveXMLParameters (XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *) |
| Save current setting into a XML node. More...
bool | inputPresent (const std::string &name) |
| Returns true if input pin (not request inputpin ) with given name is present. More...
bool | outputPresent (const std::string &name) |
| Returns true if output pin (not request output pin) with given name is present. More...
void | addInputPin (InputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds an input pin. More...
void | removeInputPin (InputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes an input pin. More...
void | addOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds an output pin. More...
void | removeOutputPin (OutputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes and output pin. More...
void | addRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds a request input pin. More...
void | removeRequestInputPin (RequestInputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes a request input pin. More...
void | addRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin) |
| Adds a request output pin. More...
void | removeRequestOutputPin (RequestOutputPinBase *pin) |
| Removes a request output pin. More...
bool | addNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes) |
| Registers an observer that will be notified if a specific change occurs. More...
bool | removeNotification (BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes=NOTIFICATION_ALL) |
| Unregisters a previously registered observer. More...
virtual void | processEvent (const std::string &input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) |
| Internal method for processing the events. More...
virtual VreckoMessage * | processRequest (const std::string &request_input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) |
| Internal method for processing the requests. More...
void | reportError (const std::string &error) |
| Print error message. More...
void | setPriority (long int pr) |
| Sets the priority. (Possible problems - read the full description for more info) More...
long int | getPriority (void) const |
| Returns current object priority. More...
void | setAttribute (const std::string &attr_name, int attr_value) |
| Sets an attribute value. More...
int | getAttribute (const std::string &attr_name) |
| Returns attribute value. More...
int | getAttribute (const char *attr_name) |
| Returns attribute value. More...
void | deleteAttribute (const std::string &attr_name) |
| Delete an attribute. More...
void | setSceneFile (const std::string &sceneFileName) |
| Set the name of the file this component was in (and possibly will be saved to). More...
const std::string & | getSceneFile () const |
| Get the name of the file this component was in. More...
virtual bool | loadXMLParameters (const char *xmlString) |
| OBSOLETE METHOD, kept for backwards compatibility. More...
InputPinBase * | getInputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
OutputPinBase * | getOutputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an output pin with specified name. More...
RequestInputPinBase * | getRequestInputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an request input pin with specified name. More...
RequestOutputPinBase * | getRequestOutputPin (const char *strName) |
| Returns pointer to an input pin with specified name. More...
bool APLightsEditor::Lights::loadXMLParameters |
( |
pParametersNode | ) |
virtual |
XML parameters, options
|–ShadowTechnique, (ShadowMap,SoftShadowMap,None) | | | | //For ShadowMap and SoftShadowMap | |–TextureSize, (vec2) Size of the depth texture | | | | //For SoftShadowMap | |–JitteringScale (float) Set the values for jittering scale the shader will use. | | Zero is no jittering (i.e. see the banding in penumbra) | | High values (>64) cause 'pixelization' of the penumbra. | | Usually but not necessarily power of two number. | | Default is 32. | |–SoftnessWidth (float) Set the values for width of the soft penumbra the shader will use. | Zero is for hard shadow (no penumbra). 0.01 is already very soft penumbra. | Default is 0.005. | |–ShadingTechnique, (Gouraud,Phong) |–GlobalAmbient, (vec4) |–ClearColor, (vec4) |–Sun, (DD MM YYYY HH MM, SystemTime) | |–GlobalIlluminatonResolution, (Full, Half, No) Texture resolution of global illumination: | | Full - same size as viewport window; | | Half - half size of viewport window; | | No - global illumination is not computed. | | | |–AOSampleCount (int) Number of samples (different directions) per each pixel. | |–AOSamplesPerDirection (int) Number of samples per each direction. | |–AORadius (float) Radius of sampling, maximal length of sample. | |–DPSSampleCount (int) Number of samples per each pixel per each light. | |–DPSRadius (float) Radius of sampling. | |–PrimaryShadowTechnique (ShadowMap, SoftShadowMap, DPS) Primary shadow technique for scene | | with only one light source. | |–BounceSampleCount (int) Number of samples per each pixel. | |–BounceRadius (float) Radius of sampling, maximal length of sample. | |–BlurSize (int) Size of blur kernel. | |–LightList, | |–Light, | |–Position, (vec3) |–Direction, (vec3) |–Cutoff, (0.0 - 90.0) |–Exponent, (float) |–Ambient, (vec4) |–Diffuse, (vec4) |–Specular, (vec4) |–ConstAtt, (0.0 - 1.0) |–LinAtt, (0.0 - 1.0) |–QuadAtt, (0.0 - 1.0) |–ShadowLight, (0,1) |–LensFlare, (0,1)
Reimplemented from vrecko::BaseClass.