![]() |
virtual reality framework
This is the complete list of members for vrecko::Scene, including all inherited members.
_bIsLoaded | vrecko::Scene | protected |
addEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject *environment_object, osg::Group *parentNode) | vrecko::Scene | |
addEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject *environment_object) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
addInputPin(InputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
addNotification(BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
addOutputPin(OutputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
addPartitioningObjectInterface(SP_ObjectInterface *newInterface, int priority=0) | vrecko::Scene | |
addPartitioningSceneInterface(SP_SceneInterface *newInterface, int priority=0) | vrecko::Scene | |
addRequestInputPin(RequestInputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
addRequestOutputPin(RequestOutputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
attribute | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
attributeLock | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
AttributeMap typedef | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
BaseClass(const char *startingSenderString) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
BaseClass(BaseClass &bc) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
calcNodeBBox(osg::Node *node, osg::BoundingBox *outBox, osg::Matrix *outTransform, bool *bTransformUsed=NULL, unsigned long dwFlags=0, osg::Node *subTreeToIgnore=NULL) | vrecko::Scene | |
calcNodeBBoxHelper(osg::Node *node, osg::BoundingBox *outBox, osg::Matrix *outTransform, bool *bTransformUsed, unsigned long dwFlags, osg::Node *nodeToStopTraversalAt, osg::Node *subTreeToIgnore) | vrecko::Scene | protected |
deleteAttribute(const std::string &attr_name) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
description | vrecko::Scene | protected |
environment_objects_map | vrecko::Scene | protected |
EOMap typedef | vrecko::Scene | |
eoMapLock | vrecko::Scene | protected |
eoRootNode | vrecko::Scene | protected |
findPinInList(const char *strName, PinList *pinList) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlineprotected |
getAttribute(const std::string &attr_name) | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
getAttribute(const char *attr_name) | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
getCollisionObject(EnvironmentObject *eobject) | vrecko::Scene | |
getCollisionObjects(EnvironmentObject *eobject, int &size) | vrecko::Scene | |
getCollisionObjects(esg::OSGAdapter *pOSGAdapter, const osg::Matrix &transf, int &size) | vrecko::Scene | |
getCollisions(CollisionParams *params, COLLISIONS_INFO_VECTOR **collisions, unsigned long limitToEO1=0, unsigned long limitToEO2=0) | vrecko::Scene | |
getDescription(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
getEnvironmentObject(unsigned long id, bool bReportErrorIfNotFound=true) | vrecko::Scene | |
getEOMap(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
getEORoot() | vrecko::Scene | inline |
getFreeID(unsigned long req_id) | vrecko::Scene | |
getInputPin(const char *strName) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
getObjectExtent(EnvironmentObject *eobject, const osg::Vec3 &dir, float &min, float &max) | vrecko::Scene | |
getOutputPin(const char *strName) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
getPartitioningObjectInterface(int id=PARTITIONING_INTERFACE_DEFAULT) | vrecko::Scene | |
getPartitioningSceneInterface(int id=PARTITIONING_INTERFACE_DEFAULT) | vrecko::Scene | |
getPriority(void) const | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
getRayIntersection(const osg::Vec3 &origin, const osg::Vec3 &dir) | vrecko::Scene | |
getRayIntersection(const osg::Vec3 &origin, const osg::Vec3 &dir, osg::Vec3 &intersection_point) | vrecko::Scene | |
getRayIntersection(EnvironmentObject *eobject, const osg::Vec3 &origin, const osg::Vec3 &dir, osg::Vec3 &intersection_point) | vrecko::Scene | |
getRequestInputPin(const char *strName) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
getRequestOutputPin(const char *strName) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
getRoot() | vrecko::Scene | inline |
getSceneFile() const | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
getSenderString(void) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlinevirtual |
initialize(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *parameters=NULL) | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
initializeFromString(const char *xmlString) | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
inputPinsList | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
inputPresent(const std::string &name) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
isLoaded(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
lastUpdatePartThrIndex | vrecko::Scene | protected |
loadXMLParameters(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMNode *) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlinevirtual |
loadXMLParameters(const char *xmlString) | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
lockEOMapForRead(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
lockEOMapForWrite(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
logHierarchy(const osg::Node *topNode, const char *note=NULL) | vrecko::Scene | |
logHierarchyDrawableHelper(int level, const osg::Drawable *dw) | vrecko::Scene | protected |
logHierarchyHelper(int level, const osg::Node *node) | vrecko::Scene | protected |
nextFreeID | vrecko::Scene | protected |
NOTIFICATION_ALL enum value | vrecko::BaseClass | |
NOTIFICATION_DELETE_CLASS enum value | vrecko::BaseClass | |
NOTIFICATION_EO_REGISTERING enum value | vrecko::BaseClass | |
NOTIFICATION_EO_UNREGISTERING enum value | vrecko::BaseClass | |
NOTIFICATION_PROGRAM_TERMINATION enum value | vrecko::BaseClass | |
notifications | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
notificationsLock | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
NotificationTypes enum name | vrecko::BaseClass | |
outputPinsList | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
outputPresent(const std::string &name) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
partitioningObjectInterfaces | vrecko::Scene | protected |
partitioningSceneInterfaces | vrecko::Scene | protected |
partThreadsInfo | vrecko::Scene | protected |
PinList typedef | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
postInitialize(void) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlinevirtual |
preInitialize(void) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlinevirtual |
prepareForTermination() | vrecko::Scene | |
priority | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
processEvent(const std::string &input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
processNotification(BaseClass *sender, unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlineprotectedvirtual |
processRequest(const std::string &request_input_name, VreckoMessage *pMessage) | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
registerEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject *environment_object) | vrecko::Scene | |
removeEnvironmentObject(unsigned long id) | vrecko::Scene | |
removeInputPin(InputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
removeNotification(BaseClass *receiver, unsigned long notificationTypes=NOTIFICATION_ALL) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
removeOutputPin(OutputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
removePartitioningObjectInterface(SP_ObjectInterface *anInterface) | vrecko::Scene | |
removePartitioningSceneInterface(SP_SceneInterface *anInterface) | vrecko::Scene | |
removeRequestInputPin(RequestInputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
removeRequestOutputPin(RequestOutputPinBase *pin) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
reportError(const std::string &error) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
requestInputPinsList | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
requestOutputPinsList | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
rootNode | vrecko::Scene | protected |
saveXMLParameters(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument *) | vrecko::BaseClass | inlinevirtual |
Scene() | vrecko::Scene | |
sceneFile | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
ScenePSThreadProc(ScenePSThreadInfo *lpParameter) | vrecko::Scene | friend |
senderString | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
sendNotifications(unsigned long notificationType, void *notificationData) | vrecko::BaseClass | protected |
separation(esg::Matrix4 *trMat1, std::vector< esg::OSGAdapter * > object1, esg::Matrix4 *trMat2, std::vector< esg::OSGAdapter * > object2, unsigned d1=UINT_MAX, unsigned d2=UINT_MAX) | vrecko::Scene | |
setAttribute(const std::string &attr_name, int attr_value) | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
setDescription(const std::string &desc) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
setIsLoaded(bool bNewValue) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
setPriority(long int pr) | vrecko::BaseClass | inline |
setSceneFile(const std::string &sceneFileName) | vrecko::BaseClass | |
unlockEOMapForRead(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
unlockEOMapForWrite(void) | vrecko::Scene | inline |
unregisterEnvironmentObject(EnvironmentObject *environment_object) | vrecko::Scene | |
unregisterEnvironmentObject(unsigned long id) | vrecko::Scene | |
update(void) | vrecko::Scene | virtual |
~BaseClass() | vrecko::BaseClass | virtual |
~Scene() | vrecko::Scene |