virtual reality framework
This is the complete list of members for WGeometry::WG_Point, including all inherited members.
addWall(WG_Wall *wall, PointType connectionPointType, bool compute=true) | WGeometry::WG_Point | |
getHeight() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getId() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getIndexBottom() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getIndexTop() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getPlusColors() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getPlusNormals() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getPlusVertices() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getPosition() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
getWallNeighbours(WG_Wall *wall, std::pair< osg::ref_ptr< WG_Wall >, PointType > &wallCW, std::pair< osg::ref_ptr< WG_Wall >, PointType > &wallCCW) | WGeometry::WG_Point | |
getWalls() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
removeWall(WG_Wall *wall) | WGeometry::WG_Point | |
setId(unsigned int i) | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
setIndexBottom(unsigned int i) | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
setIndexTop(unsigned int i) | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
setPosition(osg::Vec2 position) | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
WG_Point(osg::Vec2 position, float height=RE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT) | WGeometry::WG_Point | inline |
~WG_Point() | WGeometry::WG_Point | inlinevirtual |