Program Journey home is a simple 3D game. You are THE BORG and your job is to fly through an asteroid field
with your ship - Borg cube and return to the collective. There is no other way to get home, so you
have to go through.
There is 10 levels in the game. In each next level is more asteroids than in previous.
The asteroids move with random speed and rotation, and bounce against each other and against
virtual walls. They can also join together for a while, it depend on their speed vectors.
The asteroids are spheres, hence a collision detection is easy - only compare
a distance of centres with sum of radiuses. Bounce against the
walls is easy too, because all walls are parallel with axes (x,y,z).
Project files:
Kernel.cpp - contains class methods of the logic structure of the project
(Asteroids, Lights, Environment..)
Kernel.h - contains class definitions
main.cpp -contains system routines and OpenGL routines
main.h - includes common headers and libraries, definition of common macros
objects.txt - text file, contains descriptions of objects (letters, lights)
The program is written in C++, Win32API and OpenGL.
It was developed under Microsoft Windows 2000, running under other operating systems is not guaranteed!
Space - pause/continue
F4 - start a new game
Esc - exit the program
PgUp - increase the vertical speed
PgDown - decrease the vertical speed
Up - increase the horizontal speed
Down - decrease the horizontal speed
Left - turn left
Right - turn right
Shift + Left - fast turn left
Shift + Right - fast turn right
Ctrl + F2 - next level, only for debug purpose:), do not use if not necessary!