The teapot body is created using function revolve on contour curve.
The filler is created using function loft applying to group of circle.
Thickens of side is created using Boolean operations.
The most demanding operation of this part is join teapot body and filler.
First we have to make a hole inside body using Boolean difference,
then trim filler inside body using function trim. Smooth join between surfaces we achieve by
function fillet surface with diameter 4mm.
2. Creating cover (layer Cover)
The cover is created using function revolve.
Hole is cut out using Boolean difference.
Edges are round off by function fillet edge with radius 0.3 mnm.
3. Creating holder for handle (layer Holder)
The holder is created using function loft which is applied to set of circle and ellipse.
4. Creating handle (layer Handle)
The holder is created using function loft which is applied to set of circles and semi-circles.
The ends are chamfered using auxiliary plain and cover by another plain.
The ring is created as a tube with rounded edges - function fillet surface.
4. Creating Cups (layer Cup)
The cup is created using function revolve.
4. Creating Table (layer Table)
The table is created from several boxes with chamfer edges.
4. Creating bell (layer Bell)
The bell is created using function revolve.
4. Creating light (layer Table)
There are two lights in the scene. Both are point light with white colour and
shadow intensity 50%. Lights are on positions [460, 874, 389] and [-465,-665, 304].