Listing categories

Real errors False positives Unclassified Overall count
An unsatisfied assertion in the code
8 0 0 8
Calling function from invalid context
Some function is called at inappropriate place like sleep inside critical sections or interrupt handlers
16 19 0 35
Division by Zero   CWE369
The code tries to divide by zero
2 0 0 2
Double Free   CWE415
Freeing function is called twice on the same address
0 1 0 1
Double Lock   CWE764
Some lock is locked twice unintentionally in a sequence
23 100 7 130
Double Resource Put   CWE763
There is a try to return some resource to the system twice
3 4 0 7
Double Unlock   CWE765
Some lock is unlocked twice unintentionally in a sequence
32 105 1 138
Invalid Pointer Dereference   CWE465
A pointer which is invalid is being dereferenced
87 163 52 302
Leaving function in locked state  info
Some lock is not unlocked on all paths of a function, so it is leaked
30 372 22 424
Memory Leak   CWE401
There the code omits to free some allocated memory
7 13 0 20
Resource Leak   CWE404
The code omits to put the resource to the system for reuse
13 73 2 88
All categories 221 850 84 1155