Project Activities

On September 29, 2015 a public lecture at the Masaryk University in Brno was organized where the project and its main goals were introduced. The audience consisted of numerous students of Bachelor and Master programs as well as the university employees. The main speaker of the lecture was Barbora Kozlikova from the Masaryk University.

Prior to the lecture, a number of communication channels were involved in the medializing of the event. Namely, a public lecture announcement was put in the university information system to be seen by all students and it was also orally announced to students of computer graphics courses at the teaching sessions.

On May 26, 2016 a similar public lecture was organized at the Masaryk University. This lecture was also followed by a panel discussion and networking activities afterwards. At the lecture, the main outcomes of the project were introduced to the wide public. There was also an invited speaker – Ivo Kolesár from the University of Bergen. Apart from his talk there were also short discussions of the participants of the project on the results, achievements and weak points. Thanks to the advertising of the event in university communication channels and at the lectures, we were able to disseminate the information about the mobility projects and our project results to large audience.

The project was also promoted at the publicly available annual Researchers’ Night event, where the Masaryk University actively participates. The norwegian team supported the project promotion activities by having an open demo at forskningsdagene, the annual The National Science Week in Norway.

The project was also mentioned in all acknowledgements of our publications and in all presentations of the publications at conferences or invited talks. The list of all publications and outcomes is available on the page Project Outcomes.